Friday, April 16, 2010

Sunset Road Shot

Sunset Road Shot

While hailing a taxi home after grocery day, I noticed the wonderful sunset from the mall. I always love it when the skies turn fiery orange and I could see the whole of the sun without squinting.

As we travel home, I noticed an open space from the road so I quickly took out my camera and aimed for shots. The pictures I took were all "faith shots," I just click on the shutter as fast as I could, so I could take a lot, if I could. I only managed to get four shots, and this was the one I loved the most.

*** Jenn ***

Friday, April 02, 2010

Electric Post

67/365 c2 - Clouds

Since early this year, the country has been experiencing El Nino phenomenon. Since it came, problems with water arised, and even if the government wanted to give in solution by doing some cloud seeding, they just can't do it because there were no clouds. Too many farmers got affected with it, and places being run by Hydro-Electric power plants started having black outs.

One time last month, I went out and saw some clouds. For how many weeks, I cannot recall a time I saw some clouds, and seeing this made me smile. In a few days after this picture was taken, rain started to pour in - although not much, but still enough to help the country.

*** Jenn ***