Tuesday, February 14, 2012

"You Will Still Be Tempted..."

Happy Valentine's Day, shutterbugs!

Love Quote

This week on Quotography, we talk about love. There are so many cheesy quotes about love, but for some reason, am stuck with this image and would just have to find a suitable quote for it as I am pressed for time - it's 1am and I still am not asleep. :)

Anyway, love is considered the best feeling we've ever had, but it can also be the worst - should things don't go the way we want it to. I have had a lot of failed relationships, some of them contributed to my personal hatred and lower than low self esteem, but still... I am the type of a person who doesn't really close the door on love as I know, there is someone out there for me.

...and just like a dark chocolate, I took another bite at love, and it has been a big blessing to me.

Quotography at {My}Perspective